12.5 Meteorological Data

To convert meterological data into the PEcAn Standard and then into model formats we follow four main steps:

  1. Downloading raw data - Currently supported products - Example Code
  2. Converting raw data into a CF standard - Example Code
  3. Downscaling and gapfilling - Example Code
  4. Coverting to Model Specific format - Example Code

Common Questions regarding Met Data:

How do I add my Meterological data product to PEcAn? How do I use PEcAn to convert Met data outide the workflow?

The main script that handles Met Processing, is met.process. It acts as a wrapper function that calls individual modules to facilitate the processing of meteorological data from it’s original form to a pecan standard, and then from that standard to model specific formats. It also handles recording these processes in the BETY database.

  1. Downloading raw data - Available Meteorological Drivers - Example Code to download Ameriflux data
  2. Converting raw data into a CF standard (if needed) - Example Code to convert from raw csv to CF standard
  3. Downscaling and gapfilling(if needed) - Example Code to gapfill
  4. Coverting to Model Specific format - Example Code to convert Standard into Sipnet format

12.5.1 Downloading Raw data (Description of Process)

Given the information passed from the pecan.xml met.process will call the download.raw.met.module to facilitate the execution of the necessary functions to download raw data.


12.5.2 Converting raw data to PEcAn standard

12.5.3 Downscaling and gapfilling (optional)

12.5.4 Converting from PEcAn standard to model-specific format