3.1 General Feedback/Comments/Suggestions

We want your ideas, thoughts, comments, and suggestions! As a community we are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive atmosphere so we all to reach out to us in the following ways:

Github: https://github.com/PecanProject/pecan This is the main hub of communication surrounding PEcAn development. Check out the issues section to see known bugs, upcoming features, and ideas for future development. Feel free to comment on existing issues or open new ones with questions, bug reports, feature requests, and/or ideas.

Slack: https://pecanproject.slack.com/ Slack serves as our day to day mode of communication. To join us in slack you will need to create an account first. This is done in 3 steps:

  1. Request an inivitation to join Slack, this will be send by email to address you provided.
  2. Check your inbox for an email from Slack with subject “Rob Kooper has invited you to join a Slack workspace”. This email should have a link that you can click to join slack.
  3. When you click a webpage will open up that asks you to create an account, once that is done you can login into the slack chatrooms.

Email: pecanproj[at]gmail.com If you do not wish your communication with the team to be public, send us an email at the address above and we will get back to you as soon as possible.