7.1 Additional web configuration
Additional settings for web configuration:
- Web interface setup
- Brown Dog
- Advanced setup
- [Sensitivity analysis] (TODO)
- [Uncertainty analysis] (TODO)
- Editing model configuration files
7.1.1 Web interface setup
There are few options which you can change via web interface.
To visit the configuration page either you can just click on the setups link on the introduction page alternatively can type <host>/setups/
The list of configuration available
Database configuration : BETYdb(Biofuel Ecophysiological Traits and Yields database) configuration details, can be edited according to need.
Browndog configuration : Browndog configuration details, Used to connect browndog. Its included by default in VM.
FIA Database : FIA(Forest Inventory and Analysis) Database configuration details, Can be used to add additional data to models.
Google MapKey : Google Map key, used to access the google map by PEcAn.
Change Password : A small infomation to change the VM user password. (if using Docker image it won’t work)
Automatic Sync : If ON then it will sync the database between local machine and the remote servers. Still unders testing part might be buggy.
Still work on the adding other editing feature going on, this page will be updated as new configuration will be available.
7.1.2 Brown Dog
The Browndog service provides PEcAn with access to large and diverse sets of data at the click of a button in the format that PEcAn needs. By clicking the checkbox you will be using the Browndog Service to process data.
For more information regarding meteorological data check out Available Meteorological Drivers.
More information can be found at the Browndog website.