13.4 Initial Conditions

To convert initial condition data into the PEcAn Standard and then into the model formats we follow three main steps:

  1. Downloading vegetation info -converting the vegetation info into .rd file format
  2. Creating ensemble members based on veg file -resamples veg file to create ensmeble members
  3. Converting ensemble members to model specific format

Common Questions regarding IC Data:

How do I know if my data product is supported by ic_process workflow? -The current data products supported by ic_process are: NEON, FIA, and BADM. That said you if your vegetation files are registered with BETY and abide by the BETY formats and column names you will be able to use ic_process to create ensemble members and convert the ensemble members to model specific format. See section 6.3.3 for more info. Can I use ic_process outside of the PEcAn workflow? -Short answer is yes, ic_process can be called as a function all by itself outside of do_conversions. What about soil initial conditions? -Please reference section 6.3.6 for more info.

ic_process workflow:

Required inputs for ic_process are: settings object with and sections (see pecan.xml section for more info), dir or location where you would to store the output files, input object that contains all info from settings\(run\)inputs$poolinitcond, and the overwrite setting the default is overwrite = FALSE.

get_veg_module() This function will either download your vegetation info from: NEON_veg, FIA, BADM sources or query BETY for existing veg files previously downloaded. The input and dbfile ids of your veg file are then added to a list getveg.id.

ens_veg_module() This function will create ensemble member ncdf files by resampling the veg file supplied in getveg.id.

put_veg_module() This function will convert the ensemble member ncdf files into model specific format. Currently the supported models are ED2 and SIPNET.