7.2 Settings-configured analyses

These analyses can be run through the web interface, but lack graphical interfaces and currently can only be configured throughthe XML settings. To run these analyses use the Edit pecan.xml checkbox on the Input configuration page. Eventually, these modules will be integrated into the web user interface.

(TODO: Add links)

7.2.1 Parameter data assimilation (PDA)

All functions pertaining to Parameter Data Assimilation are housed within: pecan/modules/assim.batch.

For a detailed usage of the module, please see the vignette under pecan/modules/assim.batch/vignettes.

Hierarchical version of the PDA is also implemented, for more details, see the MultiSitePDAVignette package vignette and function-level documentation. pda.mcmc.R

This is the main PDA code. It performs Bayesian MCMC on model parameters by proposing parameter values, running the model, calculating a likelihood (between model output and supplied observations), and accepting or rejecting the proposed parameters (Metropolis algorithm). Additional notes:

  • The first argument is settings, followed by others that all default to NULL.settings is a list used throughout Pecan, which contains all the user options for whatever analyses are being done. The easiest thing to do is just pass that whole object all around the Pecan code and let different functions access whichever settings they need. That’s what a lot of the rest of the Pecan code does. But the flexibility to override most of the relevant settings in settings is there by providing them directly as arguments to the function.

  • The if(FALSE)… : If you’re trying to step through the function you probably will have the settings object around, but those other variables will be undefined. If you set them all to NULL then they’ll be ignored without causing errors. It is there for debugging purposes.

  • The next step calls pda.settings(), which is in the file pda.utils.R (see below). It checks whether any settings are being overridden by arguments, and in most cases supplies default values if it can’t find either.

  • In the MCMC setup section

    • The code is set up to allow you to start a new MCMC chain, or to continue a previous chain as specified in settings.
    • The code writes a simple text file of parameter samples at every iteration, which lets you get some results and even re-start an MCMC that fails for some reason.
    • The code has adaptive jump distributions. So you can see some initialization of the jump distributions and associated variables here.
    • Finally, note that after all this setup a new XML settings file is saved. The idea is that the original pecan.xml you create is preserved for provenance, and then periodically throughout the workflow the settings (likely containing new information) are re-saved with descriptive filenames.
  • MCMC loop

    • Periodically adjust jump distribution to make acceptance rate closer to target
    • Propose new parameters one at a time. For each:
      • First, note that Pecan may be handling many more parameters than are actually being targeted by PDA. Pecan puts priors on any variables it has information for (in the BETY database), and then these get passed around throughout the analysis and every step (meta-, sensitivity, ensemble analyses, etc.). But for PDA, you specify a separate list of probably far fewer parameters to constrain with data. These are the ones that get looped over and varied here. The distinction between all parameters and only those dealt with in PDA is dealt with in the setup code above.
      • First a new value is proposed for the parameter of interest.
      • Then, a new model run is set up, identical to the previous except with the new proposed value for the one parameter being updated on this run.
      • The model run is started, and outputs collected after waiting for it to finish.
      • A new likelihood is calculated based on the model outputs and the observed dataset provided.
      • Standard Metropolis acceptance criteria is used to decide whether to keep the proposed parameter.
      • Periodically (at interval specified in settings), a diagnostic figure is saved to disk so you can check on progress.
    • This works only for NEE currently pda.mcmc.bs.R

This file is basically identical to pda.mcm.R, but rather than propose parameters one at a time, it proposes new values for all parameters at once (“bs” stands for “block sampling”). You choose which option to use by specifying settings\(assim.batch\)method: * “bruteforce” means sample parameters one at a time * “bruteforce.bs” means use this version, sampling all parameters at once * “emulator” means use the emulated-likelihood version pda.emulator

This version of the PDA code again looks quite similar to the basic “bruteforce” one, but its mechanics are very different. The basic idea is, rather than running thousands of model iterations to explore parameter space via MCMC, run a relatively smaller number of runs that have been carefully chosen to give good coverage of parameter space. Then, basically interpolate the likelihood calculated for each of those runs (actually, fit a Gaussian process to it), to get a surface that “emulates” the true likelihood. Now, perform regular MCMC (just like the “bruteforce” approach), except instead of actually running the model on every iteration to get a likelihood, just get an approximation from the likelihood emulator. Since the latter step takes virtually no time, you can run as long of an MCMC as you need at little computational cost, once you have done the initial model runs to create the likelihood emulator. pda.mcmc.recover.R

This function is for recovering a failed PDA MCMC run. pda.utils.R

This file contains most of the individual functions used by the main PDA functions (pda.mcmc.*.R).

  • assim.batch is the main function Pecan calls to do PDA. It checks which method is requested (bruteforce, bruteforce.bs, or emulator) and call the appropriate function described above.
  • pda.setting handles settings. If a setting isn’t found, the code can usually supply a reasonable default.
  • pda.load.priors is fairly self explanatory, except that it handles a lot of cases and gives different options priority over others. Basically, the priors to use for PDA parameters can come from either a Pecan prior.distns or post.distns object (the latter would be, e.g., the posteriors of a meta-analysis or previous PDA), or specified either by file path or BETY ID. If not told otherwise, the code tries to just find the most recent posterior in BETY, and use that as prior for PDA.
  • pda.create.ensemble gets an ensemble ID for the PDA. All model runs associated with an individual PDA (any of the three methods) are considered part of a single ensemble. This function does is register a new ensemble in BETY, and return the ID that BETY gives it.
  • pda.define.prior.fn creates R functions for all of the priors the PDA will use.
  • pda.init.params sets up the parameter matrix for the run, which has one row per iteration, and one column per parameter. Columns include all Pecan parameters, not just the (probably small) subset that are being updated by PDA. This is for compatibility with other Pecan components. If starting a fresh run, the returned matrix is just a big empty matrix to fill in as the PDA runs. If continuing an existing MCMC, then it will be the previous params matrix, with a bunch of blank rows added on for filling in during this round of PDA.
  • pda.init.run This is basically a big wrapper for Pecan’s write.config function (actually functions [plural], since every model in Pecan has its own version). For the bruteforce and bruteforce.bs methods this will be run once per iteration, whereas the emulator method knows about all its runs ahead of time and this will be a big batch of all runs at once.
  • pda.adjust.jumps tweaks the jump distributions for the standard MCMC method, and pda.adjust.jumps.bs does the same for the block-sampled version.
  • pda.calc.llik calculates the log-likelihood of the model given all datasets provided to compare it to.
  • pda.generate.knots is for the emulator version of PDA. It uses a Latin hypercube design to sample a specified number of locations in parameter space. These locations are where the model will actually be run, and then the GP interpolates the likelihood surface in between.
  • pda.plot.params provides basic MCMC diagnostics (trace and density) for parameters being sampled.
  • pda.postprocess prepares the posteriors of the PDA, stores them to files and the database, and performs some other cleanup functions.
  • pda.load.data.r This is the function that loads in data that will be used to constrain the PDA. It’s supposed to be eventually more integrated with Pecan, which will know how to load all kinds of data from all kinds of sources. For now, it can do NEE from Ameriflux.
  • pda.define.llik.r A simple helper function that defines likelihood functions for different datasets. Probably in the future this should be queried from the database or something. For now, it is extremely limited. The original test case of NEE assimilation uses a heteroskedastic Laplacian distribution.
  • pda.get.model.output.R Another function that will eventually grow to handle many more cases, or perhaps be replaced by a better system altogether. For now though, it again just handles Ameriflux NEE. get.da.data.*.R, plot.da.R

Old codes written by Carl Davidson. Defunct now, but may contain good ideas so currently left in.

7.2.2 State data assimilation (SDA)

sda.enkf.R is housed within: /pecan/modules/assim.sequential/R

The tree ring tutorial is housed within: /pecan/documentation/tutorials/StateAssimilation

More descriptive SDA methods can be found at: /pecan/book_source/adve_user_guide_web/SDA_Methods.Rmd sda.enkf.R Description

This is the main ensemble Kalman filter and generalized filter code. Originally, this was just ensemble Kalman filter code. Mike Dietze and Ann Raiho added a generalized ensemble filter to avoid filter divergence. The output of this function will be all the of run outputs, a PDF of diagnostics, and an Rdata object that includes three lists:

  • FORECAST will be the ensemble forecasts for each year
  • ANALYSIS will be the updated ensemble sample given the NPP observations
  • enkf.params contains the prior and posterior mean vector and covariance matrix for each time step. sda.enkf.R Arguments

  • settings - (required) State Data Assimilation Tags Example settings object

  • obs.mean - (required) a list of observation means named with dates in YYYY/MM/DD format

  • obs.cov - (required) a list of observation covariances names with dates in YYYY/MM/DD format

  • IC - (optional) initial condition matrix (dimensions: ensemble memeber # by state variables). Default is NULL.

  • Q - (optional) process covariance matrix (dimensions: state variable by state variables). Default is NULL. State Data Assimilation Workflow

Before running sda.enkf, these tasks must be completed (in no particular order),

  • Read in a State Data Assimilation Tags Example settings file with tags listed below. i.e. read.settings(‘pecan.SDA.xml’)

  • Load data means (obs.mean) and covariances (obs.cov) as lists with PEcAn naming and unit conventions. Each observation must have a date in YYYY/MM/DD format (optional time) associated with it. If there are missing data, the date must still be represented in the list with an NA as the list object.

  • Create initial conditions matrix (IC) that is state variables columns by ensemble members rows in dimension. sample.IC.MODEL can be used to create the IC matrix, but it is not required. This IC matrix is fed into write.configs for the initial model runs.

The main parts of the SDA function are:

Setting up for initial runs:

  • Set parameters

  • Load initial run inputs via split.inputs.MODEL

  • Open database connection

  • Get new workflow ids

  • Create ensemble ids

Performing the initial set of runs

Set up for data assimilation

Loop over time

  • read.restart.MODEL - read model restart files corresponding to start.time and stop.time that you want to assimilate data into

  • Analysis - There are four choices based on if process variance is TRUE or FALSE and if there is data or not. See explaination below.

  • write.restart.MODEL - This function has two jobs. First, to insert adjusted state back into model restart file. Second, to update start.time, stop.time, and job.sh.

  • run model

Save outputs

Create diagnostics State Data Assimilation Tags Example

 </state.data.assimilation> State Data Assimilation Tags Descriptions

  • adjustment : [optional] TRUE/FLASE flag for if ensembles needs to be adjusted based on weights estimated given their likelihood during analysis step. The Default is TRUE for this flag.

  • process.variance : [optional] TRUE/FLASE flag for if process variance should be estimated (TRUE) or not (FALSE). If TRUE, a generalized ensemble filter will be used. If FALSE, an ensemble Kalman filter will be used. Default is FALSE. If you use the TRUE argument you can set three more optional tags to control the MCMCs built for the generalized esnsemble filter.

  • nitrGEF : [optional] numeric defining the length of the MCMC chains.

  • nthin : [optional] numeric defining thining length for the MCMC chains.

  • nburnin : [optional] numeric defining the number of burnins during the MCMCs.

  • q.type : [optional] If the process.variance is set to TRUE then this can take values of Single, Site or PFT.

  • censored.data : [optional] logical set TRUE for censored state variables.

  • sample.parameters : [optional] TRUE/FLASE flag for if parameters should be sampled for each ensemble member or not. This allows for more spread in the initial conditions of the forecast.

  • state.variable : [required] State variable that is to be assimilated (in PEcAn standard format).

  • spin.up : [required] start.date and end.date for initial model runs.

  • NOTE: start.date and end.date are distinct from values set in the run tag because initial runs can be done over a subset of the full run.

  • forecast.time.step : [optional] In the future, this will be used to allow the forecast time step to vary from the data time step.

  • start.date : [optional] start date of the state data assimilation (in YYYY/MM/DD format)

  • end.date : [optional] end date of the state data assimilation (in YYYY/MM/DD format)

  • NOTE: start.date and end.date are distinct from values set in the run tag because this analysis can be done over a subset of the run. Model Specific Functions for SDA Workflow read.restart.MODEL.R

The purpose of read.restart is to read model restart files and return a matrix that is site rows by state variable columns. The state variables must be in PEcAn names and units. The arguments are:

  • outdir - output directory

  • runid - ensemble member run ID

  • stop.time - used to determine which restart file to read (in POSIX format)

  • settings - pecan.SDA.xml settings object

  • var.names - vector with state variable names with PEcAn standard naming. Example: c(‘AGB.pft’, ‘TotSoilCarb’)

  • params - parameters used by ensemble member (same format as write.configs) write.restart.MODEL.R

This model specific function takes in new state and new parameter matrices from sda.enkf.R after the analysis step and translates new variables back to the model variables. Then, updates start.time, stop.time, and job.sh so that start_model_runs() does the correct runs with the new states. In write.restart.LINKAGES and write.restart.SIPNET, job.sh is updated by using write.configs.MODEL.

  • outdir - output directory

  • runid - run ID for ensemble member

  • start.time - beginning of model run (in POSIX format)

  • stop.time - end of model run (in POSIX format)

  • settings - pecan.SDA.xml settings object

  • new.state - matrix from analysis of updated state variables with PEcAn names (dimensions: site rows by state variables columns)

  • new.params - In the future, this will allow us to update parameters based on states (same format as write.configs)

  • inputs - model specific inputs from split.inputs.MODEL used to run the model from start.time to stop.time

  • RENAME - [optional] Flag used in write.restart.LINKAGES.R for development. split.inputs.MODEL.R

This model specific function gives the correct met and/or other model inputs to settings\(run\)inputs. This function returns settings\(run\)inputs to an inputs argument in sda.enkf.R. But, the inputs will not need to change for all models and should return settings\(run\)inputs unchanged if that is the case.

  • settings - pecan.SDA.xml settings object

  • start.time - start time for model run (in POSIX format)

  • stop.time - stop time for model run (in POSIX format) sample.IC.MODEL.R

This model specific function is optional. But, it can be used to create initial condition matrix (IC) with # state variables columns by # ensemble rows. This IC matrix is used for the initial runs in sda.enkf.R in the write.configs.MODEL function.

  • ne - number of ensemble members

  • state - matrix of state variables to get initial conditions from

  • year - used to determine which year to sample initial conditions from Analysis Options

There are four options depending on whether process variance is TRUE/FALSE and whether or not there is data or not.

  • If there is no data and process variance = FALSE, there is no analysis step.

  • If there is no data and process variance = TRUE, process variance is added to the forecast.

  • If there is data and process variance = TRUE, the generalized ensemble filter is implemented with MCMC.

  • If there is data and process variance = FALSE, the Kalman filter is used and solved analytically. The Generalized Ensemble Filter

An ensemble filter is a sequential data assimilation algorithm with two procedures at every time step: a forecast followed by an analysis. The forecast ensembles arise from a model while the analysis makes an adjustment of the forecasts ensembles from the model towards the data. An ensemble Kalman filter is typically suggested for this type of analysis because of its computationally efficient analytical solution and its ability to update states based on an estimate of covariance structure. But, in some cases, the ensemble Kalman filter fails because of filter divergence. Filter divergence occurs when forecast variability is too small, which causes the analysis to favor the forecast and diverge from the data. Models often produce low forecast variability because there is little internal stochasticity. Our ensemble filter overcomes this problem in a Bayesian framework by including an estimation of model process variance. This methodology also maintains the benefits of the ensemble Kalman filter by updating the state vector based on the estimated covariance structure.

This process begins after the model is spun up to equilibrium.

The likelihood function uses the data vector \(\left(\boldsymbol{y_{t}}\right)\) conditional on the estimated state vector \(\left(\boldsymbol{x_{t}}\right)\) such that


where \(\boldsymbol{R}_{t}=\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{t}^{2}\boldsymbol{I}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{t}^{2}\) is a vector of data variances. To obtain an estimate of the state vector \(\left(\boldsymbol{x}_{t}\right)\), we use a process model that incorporates a process covariance matrix \(\left(\boldsymbol{Q}_{t}\right)\). This process covariance matrix differentiates our methods from past ensemble filters. Our process model contains the following equations

\(\boldsymbol{x}_{t} \sim \mathrm{multivariate\: normal}(\boldsymbol{x}_{model_{t}},\boldsymbol{Q}_{t})\)

\(\boldsymbol{x}_{model_{t}} \sim \mathrm{multivariate\: normal}(\boldsymbol{\mu}_{forecast_{t}},\boldsymbol{P}_{forecast_{t}})\)

where \(\boldsymbol{\mu}_{forecast_{t}}\) is a vector of means from the ensemble forecasts and \(\boldsymbol{P}_{forecast_{t}}\) is a covariance matrix calculated from the ensemble forecasts. The prior for our process covariance matrix is \(\boldsymbol{Q}_{t}\sim\mathrm{Wishart}(\boldsymbol{V}_{t},n_{t})\) where \(\boldsymbol{V}_{t}\) is a scale matrix and \(n_{t}\) is the degrees of freedom. The prior shape parameters are updated at each time step through moment matching such that

\(\boldsymbol{V}_{t+1} = n_{t}\bar{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{t}\)

\(n_{t+1} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{I}\sum_{j=1}^{J}\frac{v_{ijt}^{2}+v_{iit}v_{jjt}}{Var(\boldsymbol{\bar{Q}}_{t})}}{I\times J}\)

where we calculate the mean of the process covariance matrix \(\left(\bar{\boldsymbol{Q}_{t}}\right)\) from the posterior samples at time t. Degrees of freedom for the Wishart are typically calculated element by element where \(v_{ij}\) are the elements of \(\boldsymbol{V}_{t}\). \(I\) and \(J\) index rows and columns of \(\boldsymbol{V}\). Here, we calculate a mean number of degrees of freedom for \(t+1\) by summing over all the elements of the scale matrix \(\left(\boldsymbol{V}\right)\) and dividing by the count of those elements \(\left(I\times J\right)\). We fit this model sequentially through time in the R computing environment using R package ‘rjags.’

Users have control over how they think is the best way to estimate \(Q\). Our code will look for the tag q.type in the XML settings under state.data.assimilation which can take 4 values of Single, Site, Vector, or Wishart. If q.type is set to single then one value of process variance will be estimated across all different sites and variables. When q.type is set to Site then a process variance will be estimated for each siteat a cost of more time and computation power. When the q.type is set to Vector or Wishart then process errors for each variable of each site will be estimated and propagated through time, while the Wishart Q support the estimation of covariance between sites and variables through the MCMC sampling of wishart distributions, which further support the propagation of process error through not just time but space and variables. Multi-site State data assimilation.

sda.enkf.multisite is housed within: /pecan/modules/assim.sequential/R

The 4-site tutorial is housed within: ~/pecan/modules/assim.sequential/inst/MultiSite-Exs sda.enkf.multisite.R Description

sda.enkf.multisite function allows for assimilation of observed data at multiple sites at the same time. In order to run a multi-site SDA, one needs to send a multisettings pecan xml file to this function. This multisettings xml file needs to contain information required for running at least two sites under run tag. The code will automatically run the ensembles for all the sites and reformats the outputs matching the required formats for analysis step. #### sda.enkf.multisite.R Arguments * settings - (required) State Data Assimilation Tags Example settings object

  • obs.mean - (required) Lists of date times named by time points, which contains lists of sites named by site ids, which contains observation means for each state variables of each site for each time point.

  • obs.cov - (required) Lists of date times named by time points, which contains lists of sites named by site ids, which contains observation covariances for all state variables of each site for each time point.

  • Q - (optional) Process covariance matrix given if there is no data to estimate it. Default is NULL.

  • restart - (optional) Used for iterative updating previous forecasts. Default NULL. List object includes file path to previous runs and start date for SDA. Default is NULL.

  • pre_enkf_params - (optional) Used for carrying out SDA with pre-existed enkf.params, in which the Pf, aqq, and bqq can be used for the analysis step. Default is NULL.

  • ensemble.samples - (optional) Pass ensemble.samples from outside, which are lists of calibrated parameters for different plant functional types. This also helps to avoid GitHub check issues. Default is NULL.

  • control - (optional) List of flags controlling the behavior of the SDA. Here is an example of the control list. The detailed explanation of them are shown inside the sda.enkf.multisite function in the assim.sequential package.

control=list(trace = TRUE,
             TimeseriesPlot = FALSE,
             debug = FALSE,
             pause = FALSE,
             Profiling = FALSE,
             parallel_qsub = TRUE,
             send_email = NULL,
             keepNC = TRUE,
             run_parallel = TRUE,
             MCMC.args = NULL) obs.mean and obs.cov Description

The observations are required for passing the time points into the SDA workflow, which should match the start and end date in the settings object. For the generations of obs.mean and obs.cov, please use the function SDA_OBS_Assembler inside the assim.sequential package. For the unconstrained runs, please specify the free.run flag as TRUE inside the settings$state.data.assimilation$Obs_Prep section. Otherwise, please specify the arguments that are needed for preparations of different observations (note that, the observation preparation functions currently only support MODIS LAI, Landtrendr AGB, SMAP soil moisture, and SoilGrid soil organic carbon). For the details about how to setup those arguments, please reference the Create_Multi_settings.R script inside ~/pecan/modules/assim.sequential/inst/MultiSite-Exs/SDA directory. The observed mean and covariance need to be formatted as list of different dates with observations. For each element of this list also there needs to be a list with mean and cov matrices of different sites named by their siteid. In case that zero variance was estimated for a variable inside the obs.cov, the SDA code will automatically replace that with half of the minimum variance from other non-zero variables in that time step.

Here are examples of the obs.mean and obs.cov for single time point, two sites, and two observations.

> obs.mean

   AbvGrndWood     GWBI
    111.502    1.0746

   AbvGrndWood     GWBI
    114.302    1.574695
> obs.cov

           [,1]        [,2]
[1,] 19.7821691 0.213584319
[2,]  0.5135843 0.005162113

           [,1]        [,2]
[1,] 15.2821691 0.513584319
[2,]  0.1213583 0.001162113 Anlysis SDA workflow

Before running the SDA analysis functions, the ensemble forecast results have to be generated, and arguments such as H matrix, MCMC arguments, and multi-site Y and R (by Construct.R function) have to be generated as well. Here are the workflows for three types of SDA analysis functions that we are currently used.

  • Decide which analysis function to be used. Here we have three options: 1) traditional ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF.MultiSite) with analytical solution, within which the process error needs to be prescribed from outside (see Q arguments in the sda.enkf.multisite function); 2) generalized ensemble Kalman Filter (GEF.MultiSite); and 3) block-based generalized ensemble Kalman Filter (analysis_sda_block). The latter two methods support the feature of propagating process variance across space and time. To choose the analysis method 1, we need to set the process.variance as FALSE. Otherwise, if we set the process.variance as TRUE and provide the q.type as either SINGLE or SITE the method GEF.MultiSite will be used, and if we provide the q.type as either vector or wishart the method analysis_sda_block will be used. The explanations for different Q types can be found in the The Generalized Ensemble Filter section in this documentation. For the analysis_sda_block method, there is also a special case for complete or partial missing of observations.

  • If we decide to use EnKF.MultiSite, then the analysis results will be calculated based on equations.

  • If we decide to use GEF.MultiSite, then it will first do censoring process based on how you setup the censored.data flag within settings xml file. Then, if t equals to 1, we will first initialize the aqq, bqq, aq, and bq based on how you setup the q.type argument within settings xml file. After preparing the initial conditions (ICs), data, and constants for the GEF.MultiSite.Nimble nimble model, the MCMC sampling will happen afterwards. Finally, the process variance and the analysis results will be calculated and updated and returned to the sda.enkf.multisite function.

  • If we decide to use analysis_sda_block method, then if t equals 1, the workflow will first build blocks using the matrix_network function for the calculations for indexes of variables by networks of site groups based on the spatial scale (see scalef argument in the Example of multi-settings pecan xml file section) that we specify inside the state.data.assimilation section. Then, the workflow will execute the build.block.xy to automatically initialize the overall block-based MCMC lists (block.list.all) and fill in datasets (mu.f, y.censored, or Pf) for each block and for all time points to facilitate the process of passing arguments between scripts/functions. After that, the MCMC_args (see the explanations inside the roxygen structure of the sda.enkf.multisite function) will be specified either from the control list or by default (see below). Then, the workflow will update the process error using the update_q function. If t equals 1, it will initialize the arguments for the process error. Otherwise, it will grab the previously updated process error. After that, in the MCMC_Init function, it will create the initial conditions (ICs) for the MCMC sampling based on randomly sampled data. Then, the completed block-based arguments (block.list.all) will be used by the MCMC_block_function function under the parallel mode. Finally, the block-based results will be converted into long vectors and large matrices by the block.2.vector function and values such as block.list.all, mu.f, mu.a, Pf, Pa will be returned to the sda.enkf.multisite function.

MCMC.args <- list(niter = 1e5,
                  nthin = 10,
                  nchain = 3,
                  nburnin = 1e4)
  • There is a special case for the analysis_sda_block method where NA values appear in the observations, which provides the opportunity for the estimations of process error without any observations. This special case currently is only working under restricted conditions when we set the scalef as 0 (that feature currently only works for isolated-site SDA runs) and turn on the free.run flag in the settings, which will then automatically fill in NA values to the observations by each site (see bellow).
</state.data.assimilation> Example of multi-settings pecan xml file

Here is an example of what does a multi-settings pecan xml file look like. The detailed explanation for the xml file can be found under the Multi-Settings section in the 03_pecan_xml.Rmd documentation.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <date>2017/12/06 21:19:33 +0000</date>
   <name>Harvard Forest - Lyford Plots (PalEON PHA)</name>
   <name>Harvard Forest - Lyford Plots (PalEON PHA)</name>

7.2.3 Running SDA on remote

In general, the idea is that sending, running and monitoring an SDA job should all be done using two functions (SDA_remote_launcher and Remote_Sync_launcher). SDA_remote_launcher checks the XML settings defining the run, sets up the SDA on the remote machine, and then sends a qusb command for running the job. Remote_Sync_launcher, on the other hand, sits on the local machine and monitors the progress of the job(s) and brings back the outputs as long as the job is running.

SDA_remote_launcher sets up the job by copying a template SDA workflow R script and a bash file template that are ready for submission to the remote machine. This function checks the paths to all inputs including met, soil, site_pft and etc., testing whether they exists on the remote machine or not. If they do not exist, the function copies the missing paths over and replaces the settings accordingly. After submitting the bash script, the function returns the PID of the job writing the log file, allowing the Remote_Sync_launcher to monitor the progress of the run, checks to see if the job is still alive, and determines if sda.output.rdata has been updated since the last check or not.

Additionally, the Remote_Sync_launcher function follows the progress of the remote job by executing a nohup command on a template R script and keeps the R console open for further use. This R script, as mentioned above, constantly pings the given PID every 5 minutes and copies over the SDA output.

Several points on how to prepare your xml settings for the remote SDA run: 1 - In the main pecan workflow.R, if you were able to generate pecan.TRAIT.xml, your settings are ready to be used for an SDA run. All you need to add is your state data assimilation tags. 2 - Inside the xml setting an <outdir> flag needs to be included and point to a local directory where SDA_remote_launcher will look for either a sample.Rdata file or a pft folder. 3 - You need to set your <host> tag according to the desired remote machine. You can learn more about this on the Remote execution with PEcAn section of the documentation. Please make sure that the <folder> tag inside <host> is pointing to a directory where you would like to store and run your SDA job(s). 4 - Finally, make sure the tag inside the tag is set to the correct path on the remote machine.

7.2.4 Restart functionality in SDA

If you prefer to run your SDA analysis in multiple stages, where each phase picks up where the previous one left off, you can use the restart argument in the sda.enkf.multisite function. You need to make sure that the output from previous step exists in the SDA folder (in the outfolder), and the <start.date> is the same as <end.date> from the previous step. When you run the SDA with the restart parameter, it will load the output from the previous step and use configs already written in the run folder to set itself up for the next step. Using the restart argument could be as easy as :

                   obs.mean =obs.mean ,
                   obs.cov = obs.cov,
                   control = SDA.arguments(debug = FALSE, TimeseriesPlot = FALSE),
                   restart = FALSE

Where the new settings, obs.mean and obs.cov contain the relevant information for the next phase.

7.2.5 State Data Assimilation Methods

By Ann Raiho

Our goal is build a fully generalizable state data assimilation (SDA) workflow that will assimilate multiple types of data and data products into ecosystem models within PEcAn temporally and spatially. But, during development, specifically with PalEON goals in mind, we have been focusing on assimilating tree ring estimated NPP and AGB and pollen derived fractional composition into two ecosystem models, SIPNET and LINKAGES, at Harvard Forest. This methodology will soon be expanded to include the PalEON sites listed on the state data assimilation wiki page. Data Products

During workflow development, we have been working with tree ring estimated NPP and AGB and pollen derived fractional composition data products. Both of these data products have been estimated with a full accounting of uncertainty, which provides us with state variable observation mean vector and covariance matrix at each time step. These data products are discussed in more detail below. Even though we have been working with specific data products during development, our workflow is generalizable to alternative data products as long as we can calculate a state variable observation mean vector and covariance for a time point. Tree Rings

We have been primarily been working with the tree ring data product created by Andria Dawson and Chris Paciorek and the PEcAn tree ring allometry module. They have developed a Bayesian model that estimates annual aboveground biomass increment (Mg/ha/yr) and aboveground biomass (Mg/ha) for each tree in a dataset. We obtain this data and aggregate to the level appropriate for the ecosystem model. In SIPNET, we are assimilating annual gross woody increment (Mg/ha/yr) and above ground woody biomass (Mg/ha). In LINKAGES, we are assimilating annual species biomass. More information on deriving these tree ring data products can be found in Dawson et al 201?.

We have been working mostly with tree data collected at Harvard Forest. Tree rings and census data were collected at Lyford Plot between 1960 and 2010 in three separate plots. Other tree ring data will be added to this analysis in the future from past PEON courses (UNDERC), Kelly Heilman (Billy’s Lake and Bigwoods), and Alex Dye (Huron Mt. Club). Pollen

STEPPS is a Bayesian model developed by Paciorek and McLachlan 2009 and Dawson et al 2016 to estimate spatially gridded fractional composition from fossil pollen. We have been working with STEPPS1 output, specifically with the grid cell that contains Harvard Forest. The temporal resolution of this data product is centennial. Our workflow currently operates at annual time steps, but does not require data at every time step. So, it is possible to assimilate fractional composition every one hundred years or to assimilate fractional composition data every year by accounting for variance inflation.

In the future, pollen derived biomass (ReFAB) will also be available for data assimilation. Although, we have not discussed how STEPPS and ReFAB data assimilation will work. Variance Inflation

*Side Note: Probably want to call this something else now.

Since the fractional composition data product has a centennial resolution, in order to use fractional composition information every year we need to change the weight the data has on the analysis. The basic idea is to downweight the likelihood relative to the prior to account for (a) the fact that we assimilate an observation multiple times and (b) the fact that the number of STEPPS observations is ‘inflated’ because of the autocorrelation. To do this, we take the likelihood and raise it to the power of (1/w) where ‘w’ is an inflation factor.

w = D * (N / ESS)

where D is the length of the time step. In our case D = 100. N is the number of time steps. In our case N = 11. and ESS is the effective sample size. The ESS is calculated with the following function where ntimes is the same as N above and sims is a matrix with the dimensions number of MCMC samples by number of state variables.

ESS_calc <- function(ntimes, sims){
        # center based on mean at each time to remove baseline temporal correlation 
        # (we want to estimate effective sample size effect from correlation of the errors)
        row.means.sims <- sims - rowMeans(sims)  
        # compute all pairwise covariances at different times
        covars <- NULL
        for(lag in 1:(ntimes-1)){
          covars <- c(covars, rowMeans(row.means.sims[(lag+1):ntimes, , drop = FALSE] * row.means.sims[1:(ntimes-lag), , drop = FALSE])) 
        vars <- apply(row.means.sims, 1, var) # pointwise post variances at each time, might not be homoscedastic
        # nominal sample size scaled by ratio of variance of an average
        # under independence to variance of average of correlated values
        neff <- ntimes * sum(vars) / (sum(vars) + 2 * sum(covars))

The ESS for the STEPPS1 data product is 3.6, so w in our assimilation of fractional composition at Harvard Forest will be w = 305.6. Current Models

SIPNET and LINKAGES are the two ecosystem models that have been used during state data assimilation development within PEcAn. SIPNET is a simple ecosystem model that was built for… LINKAGES is a forest gap model created to simulate the process of succession that occurs when a gap is opened in the forest canopy. LINKAGES has 72 species level plant functional types and the ability to simulate some below ground processes (C and N cycles). Model Calibration

Without model calibration both SIPNET and LINKAGES make incorrect predictions about Harvard Forest. To confront this problem, SIPNET and LINKAGES will both be calibrated using data collected at the Harvard Forest flux tower. Istem has completed calibration for SIPNET using a parameter data assimilation emulator contained within the PEcAn workflow. LINKAGES will also be calibrated using this method. This method is also generalizable to other sites assuming there is data independent of data assimilation data available to calibrate against. Initial Conditions

The initial conditions for SIPNET are sampled across state space based on data distributions at the time when the data assimilation will begin. We do not sample LINAKGES for initial conditions and instead perform model spin up for 100 years prior to beginning data assimilation. In the future, we would like to estimate initial conditions based on data. We achieve adequate spread in the initial conditions by allowing the parameters to vary across ensemble members. Drivers

We are currently using Global Climate Model (GCM) drivers from the PaLEON model intercomparison. Christy Rollinson and John Tipton are creating MET downscaled GCM drivers for the Paleon data assimilation sites. We will use these drivers when they are available because they are a closer representation of reality. Sequential State Data Assimilation

We are using sequential state data assimilation methods to assimilate paleon data products into ecosystem models because less computation power is required for sequential state data assimilation than for particle filter methods. General Description

The general sequential data assimilation framework consists of three steps at each time step: 1. Read the state variable output for time t from the model forecast ensembles and save the forecast mean (muf) and covariance (Pf). 2. If there are data mean (y) and covariance (R) at this time step, perform data assimilation analysis (either EnKF or generalized ensemble filter) to calculate the new mean (mua) and covariance (Pa) of the state variables. 3. Use mua and Pa to restart and run the ecosystem model ensembles with new state variables for time t+1. EnKF

There are two ways to implement sequential state data assimilation at this time. The first is the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). EnKF has an analytical solution, so the kalman gain, analysis mean vector, and analysis covariance matrix can be calculated directly:

        K <- Pf %*% t(H) %*% solve((R + H %*% Pf %*% t(H))) ## Kalman Gain
        mu.a <- mu.f + K %*% (Y - H %*% mu.f) # Analysis mean vector
        Pa   <- (diag(ncol(X)) - K %*% H) %*% Pf # Analysis covariance matrix

The EnKF is typically used for sequential state data assimilation, but we found that EnKF lead to filter divergence when combined with our uncertain data products. Filter divergence led us to create a generalized ensemble filter that estimates process variance. Generalized Ensemble Filter

The generalized ensemble filter follows generally the three steps of sequential state data assimilation. But, in the generalized ensemble filter we add a latent state vector that accounts for added process variance. Furthermore, instead of solving the analysis analytically like the EnKF, we have to estimate the mean analysis vector and covariance matrix with MCMC. Mapping Ensemble Output to Tobit Space

There are some instances when we have right or left censored variables from the model forecast. For example, a model estimating species level biomass may have several ensemble members that produce zero biomass for a given species. We are considering this case a left censored state variable that needs to be mapped to normal space using a tobit model. We do this by creating two matrices with dimensions number of ensembles by state variable. The first matrix is a matrix of indicator variables (y.ind), and the second is a matrix of censored variables (y.censored). When the indicator variable is 0 the state variable (j) for ensemble member (i) is sampled. This allows us to impute a normal distribution for each state variable that contains ‘missing’ forecasts or forecasts of zero.

tobit2space.model <- nimbleCode({
    for(i in 1:N){
      y.censored[i,1:J] ~ dmnorm(muf[1:J], cov = pf[1:J,1:J])
      for(j in 1:J){
        y.ind[i,j] ~ dconstraint(y.censored[i,j] > 0)
    muf[1:J] ~ dmnorm(mean = mu_0[1:J], cov = pf[1:J,1:J])
    Sigma[1:J,1:J] <- lambda_0[1:J,1:J]/nu_0
    pf[1:J,1:J] ~ dinvwish(S = Sigma[1:J,1:J], df = J)
  }) Generalized Ensemble Filter Model Description

Below is the BUGS code for the full analysis model. The forecast mean an covariance are calculated from the tobit2space model above. We use a tobit likelihood in this model because there are instances when the data may be left or right censored. Process variance is included by adding a latent model state (X) with a process precision matrix (q). We update our prior on q at each time step using our estimate of q from the previous time step.

  tobit.model <- nimbleCode({ 
    q[1:N,1:N]  ~ dwish(R = aq[1:N,1:N], df = bq) ## aq and bq are estimated over time
    Q[1:N,1:N] <- inverse(q[1:N,1:N])
    X.mod[1:N] ~ dmnorm(muf[1:N], prec = pf[1:N,1:N]) ## Model Forecast ##muf and pf are assigned from ensembles
    ## add process error
    X[1:N]  ~ dmnorm(X.mod[1:N], prec = q[1:N,1:N])
    #agb linear
    #y_star[1:YN,1:YN] <- X[1:YN,1:YN] #[choose]
    #f.comp non linear
    #y_star[1:YN] <- X[1:YN] / sum(X[1:YN])
    ## Analysis
    y.censored[1:YN] ~ dmnorm(X[1:YN], prec = r[1:YN,1:YN]) #is it an okay assumpution to just have X and Y in the same order?
    #don't flag y.censored as data, y.censored in inits
    #remove y.censored samplers and only assign univariate samplers on NAs
    for(i in 1:YN){
      y.ind[i] ~ dconstraint(y.censored[i] > 0)
  }) Ensemble Adjustment

Each ensemble member has a different set of species parameters. We adjust the updated state variables by using an ensemble adjustment. The ensemble adjustment weights the ensemble members based on their likelihood during the analysis step.

      S_f  <- svd(Pf)
      L_f  <- S_f$d
      V_f  <- S_f$v
      ## normalize
      Z <- X*0
      for(i in seq_len(nrow(X))){
          Z[i,] <- 1/sqrt(L_f) * t(V_f)%*%(X[i,]-mu.f)
      ## analysis
      S_a  <- svd(Pa)
      L_a  <- S_a$d
      V_a  <- S_a$v
      ## analysis ensemble
      X_a <- X*0
      for(i in seq_len(nrow(X))){
        X_a[i,] <- V_a %*%diag(sqrt(L_a))%*%Z[i,] + mu.a
      } Diagnostics

There are three diagnostics we have currently implemented: time series, bias time series, and process variance. The time series diagnostics show the data, forecast, and analysis time series for each state variable. These are useful for visually assessing variance and magnitude of change of state variables through time. These time series are also updated throughout the analysis and are also created as a pdf at the end of the SDA workflow. There are two types of bias time series the first assess the bias in the update (the forecast minus the analysis) and the second assess the bias in the error (the forecast minus the data). These bias time series are useful for identifying which state variables have intrinsic bias within the model. For example, if red oak biomass in LINKAGES increases at every time step (the update and the error are always positive), this would suggest that LINKAGES has a positive growth or recruitment bias for red oak. Finally, when using the generalized ensemble filter to estimate process variance, there are two additional plots to assess estimation of process variance. The first is a correlation plot of the process covariance matrix. This tells us what correlations are incorrectly represented by the model. For example, if red oak biomass and white pine biomass are highly negatively correlated in the process covariance matrix, this means that the model either 1) has no relationship between red oak and white pine and they should affect each other negatively or 2) there is a positive relationship between red oak and white pine and there shouldn’t be any relationship. We can determine which of these is true by comparing the process covariance matrix to the model covariance matrix. The second process variance diagnostic plot shows how the degrees of freedom associated with estimating the process covariance matrix have changed through time. This plot should show increasing degrees of freedom through time.

7.2.6 MultiSettings

(TODO: Under construction…)

7.2.7 Benchmarking

Benchmarking is the process of comparing model outputs against either experimental data or against other model outputs as a way to validate model performance. We have a suit of statistical comparisons that provide benchmarking scores as well as visual comparisons that help in diagnosing data-model and/or model-model differences. Data Preparation

All data that you want to compare with model runs must be registered in the database. This is currently a step that must be done by hand either from the command line or through the online BETY interface. The data must have three records:

  1. An input record (Instructions here)

  2. A database file record (Instructions here)

  3. A format record (Instructions here) Model Runs

Model runs can be setup and executed - Using the PEcAn web interface online or with a VM (see setup) - By hand using the pecan.xml The Benchmarking Shiny App

The entire benchmarking process can be done through the Benchmarking R Shiny app.

When the model run has completed, navigate to the workflow visualization Shiny app.

  • Load model data
    • Select the workflow and run id
    • Make sure that your model output is loading properly (i.e. you can see plots of your data)
  • Load benchmarking data
    • Again make sure that you can see the uploaded data plotted alongside the model output. In the future there will be more tools for double checking that your uploaded data is appropriate for benchmarking, but for now you may need to do the sanity checks by hand. Create a reference run record

  • Navigate to the Benchmarking tab
    • The first step is to register the new model run as a reference run in the database. Benchmarking cannot be done before this step is completed. When the reference run record has been created, additional menus for benchmarking will appear. Setup Benchmarks and metrics

  • From the menus select
    • The variables in the uploaded data that you wish to compare with model output.
    • The numerical metrics you would like to use in your comparison.
    • Additional comparison plots that you would like to see.
  • Note: All these selections populate the benchmarking section of the pecan.BENCH.xml which is then saved in the same location as the original run output. This xml is purely for reference. Benchmarking Output
  • All benchmarking results are stored in the benchmarking directory which is created in the same folder as the original model run.

  • The benchmaking directory contains subdirectories for each of the datasets compared with the model output. The names of these directories are the same as the corresponding data set’s input id in BETY.

  • Each input directory contains benchmarking.output.Rdata, an Rdata file contianing all the results of the benchmarking workflow. load(benchmarking.output.Rdata) loads a list called result.out which contains the following:

    • bench.results: a data frame of all numeric benchmarking scores
    • format: a data frame that can be used to see how the input data was transformed to make it comparable to the model output. This involves converting from the original variable names and units to the internal pecan standard.
    • aligned.dat: a data frame of the final aligned model and input values.
  • All plots are saved as pdf files with names with “benchmark_plot-type_variable_input-id.pdf”

  • To view interactive results, naviage to the Benchmarking Plots tab in the shiny app. Benchmarking in pecan.xml

Before reading this section, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with basics of the pecan.xml file.

The pecan.xml has an optional benchmarking section. Below are all the tags in the benchmarking section explained. Many of these field are filled in automatically during the benchmarking process when using the benchmarking shiny app.

The only time one should edit the benchmarking section by hand is for performing clone runs. See clone run documentation.

<benchmarking> settings:

  • ensemble_id: the id of the ensemble that you will be using - the settings from this ensemble will be saved in a reference run record and then ensemble_id will be replaced with reference_run_id
  • new_run: TRUE = create new run, FALSE = use existing run (required, default FALSE)

It is possible to look at more than one benchmark with a particular run. The specific settings related to each benchmark are in a sub section called benchmark

  • input_id: the id of the benchmarking data (required)
  • variable_id: the id of the variable of interest within the data. If you leave this blank, all variables that are shared between the input and model output will be used.
  • metric_id: the id(s) of the metric(s) to be calculated. If you leave this blank, all metrics will be used.

Example: In this example, - we are using a pre-existing run from ensemble_id = 1000010983 (new_run = FALSE) - the output will be compared to data from input_id = 1000013743, specifically two variables of interest: variable_id = 411, variable_id = 18 - for variable_id = 411 we will perform only one metric of comparison metric_id = 1000000001 - for for variable_id = 18 we will perform two metrics of comparison metric_id = 1000000001, metric_id = 1000000002
