20.2 Example met conversion wrapper function
met2model.MODEL <- function(in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date){ myMetScript <- system.file(“inst/met2model.MODEL.sh”, “PEcAn.MODEL”) system(paste(myMetScript, file.path(in.path, in.prefix), outfolder, start_date, end_date)) }
would execute the following at the Linux command line
inst/met2model.MODEL.sh in.path/in.prefix outfolder start_date end_date ` DESCRIPTION
Within the module folder open the DESCRIPTION file and change the package name to PEcAn.MODEL. Fill out other fields such as Title, Author, Maintainer, and Date. NAMESPACE
Open the NAMESPACE file and change all instances of MODEL to the name of your model. If you are not going to implement one of the optional modules (described below) at this time then you will want to comment those out using the pound sign #
. For a complete description of R NAMESPACE files see here. If you create additional functions in your R package that you want to be used make sure you include them in the NAMESPACE as well (internal functions don’t need to be declared) Building the package
Once the package is defined you will then need to add it to the PEcAn build scripts. From the root of the pecan directory, go into the scripts folder and open the file build.sh. Within the section of code that includes PACKAGES= add model/MODEL to the list of packages to compile. If, in writing your module, you add any other R packages to the system you will want to make sure those are listed in the DESCRIPTION and in the script scripts/install.dependencies.R. Next, from the root pecan directory open all/DESCRIPTION and add your model package to the Suggests: list.
At any point, if you want to check if PEcAn can build your MODEL package successfully, just go to the linux command prompt and run scripts/build.sh. You will need to do this before the system can use these packages. write.config.MODEL (required)
This module performs two primary tasks. The first is to take the list of parameter values and model input files that it receives as inputs and write those out in whatever format(s) the MODEL reads (e.g. a settings file). The second is to write out a shell script, jobs.sh, which, when run, will start your model run and convert its output to the PEcAn standard (netCDF with metadata currently equivalent to the MsTMIP standard). Within the MODEL directory take a close look at inst/template.job and the example write.config.MODEL to see an example of how this is done. It is important that this script writes or moves outputs to the correct location so that PEcAn can find them. The example function also shows an example of writing a model-specific settings/config file, also by using a template.
You are encouraged to read the section above on defining PFTs before writing write.config.MODEL so that you understand what model parameters PEcAn will be passing you, how they will be named, and what units they will be in. Also note that the (optional) PEcAn input/driver processing scripts are called by separate workflows, so the paths to any required inputs (e.g. meteorology) will already be in the model-specific format by the time write.config.MODEL receives that info. Output Conversions
The module model2netcdf.MODEL converts model output into the PEcAn standard (netCDF with metadata currently equivalent to the MsTMIP standard). This function was previously required, but now that the conversion is called within jobs.sh it may be easier for you to convert outputs using other approaches (or to just directly write outputs in the standard).
Whether you implement this function or convert outputs some other way, please note that PEcAn expects all outputs to be broken up into ANNUAL files with the year number as the file name (i.e. YEAR.nc), though these files may contain any number of scalars, vectors, matrices, or arrays of model outputs, such as time-series of each output variable at the model’s native timestep.
Note: PEcAn reads all variable names from the files themselves so it is possible to add additional variables that are not part of the MsTMIP standard. Similarly, there are no REQUIRED output variables, though time is highly encouraged. We are shortly going establish a canonical list of PEcAn variables so that if users add additional output variables they become part of the standard. We don’t want two different models to call the same output with two different names or different units as this would prohibit the multi-model syntheses and comparisons that PEcAn is designed to facilitate. met2model.MODEL
met2model.MODEL(in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date)
Converts meteorology input files from the PEcAn standard (netCDF, CF metadata) to the format required by the model. This file is optional if you want to load all of your met files into the Inputs table as described in How to insert new Input data, which is often the easiest way to get up and running quickly. However, this function is required if you want to benefit from PEcAn’s meteorology workflows and model run cloning. You’ll want to take a close look at [Adding-an-Input-Converter] to see the exact variable names and units that PEcAn will be providing. Also note that PEcAn splits all meteorology up into ANNUAL files, with the year number explicitly included in the file name, and thus what PEcAn will actually be providing is in.path, the input path to the folder where multiple met files may stored, and in.prefix, the start of the filename that precedes the year (i.e. an individual file will be named <in.prefix>.YEAR.nc
). It is valid for in.prefix to be blank. The additional REQUIRED arguments to met2model.MODEL are outfolder, the output folder where PEcAn wants you to write your meteorology, and start_date and end_date, the time range the user has asked the meteorology to be processed for. Commit changes
Once the MODEL modules are written, you should follow the Using-Git instructions on how to commit your changes to your local git repository, verify that PEcAn compiles using scripts/build.sh, push these changes to Github, and submit a pull request so that your model module is added to the PEcAn system. It is important to note that while we encourage users to make their models open, adding the PEcAn interface module to the Github repository in no way requires that the model code itself be made public. It does, however, allow anyone who already has a copy of the model code to use PEcAn so we strongly encourage that any new model modules be committed to Github.