26.8 Configuration for PEcAn web interface
The config.php
has a few variables that will control where the web
interface can run jobs, and how to run those jobs. It is located in the /web
directory and if you have not touched it yet it will
be named as config.example.php
. Rename it to ’config.php` and edit by folowing the following directions.
These variables are $hostlist
, $qsublist
, $qsuboptions
, and $SSHtunnel
. In
the near future $hostlist
, $qsublist
, $qsuboptions
will be
combined into a single list.
: points to the script that creates an SSH tunnel.
The script is located in the web folder and the default value of
dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "sshtunnel.sh";
likely will work.
: is an array with by default a single value, only
allowing jobs to run on the local server. Adding any other servers
to this list will show them in the pull down menu when selecting
machines, and will trigger the web page to be show to ask for a
username and password for the remote execution (make sure to use
HTTPS setup when asking for password to prevent it from being send
in the clear).
: is an array of hosts that require qsub to be used
when running the models. This list can include $fqdn
to indicate
that jobs on the local machine should use qsub to run the models.
: is an array that lists options for each machine.
Currently it support the following options (see also
[Run Setup] and look at the tags)
array("geo.bu.edu" =>
array("qsub" => "qsub -V -N @NAME@ -o @STDOUT@ -e @STDERR@ -S /bin/bash",
"jobid" => "Your job ([0-9]+) .*",
"qstat" => "qstat -j @JOBID@ || echo DONE",
"job.sh" => "module load udunits R/R-3.0.0_gnu-4.4.6",
"models" => array("ED2" => "module load hdf5"))
In this list qsub
is the actual command line for qsub, jobid
is the text returned from qsub, qstat
is the command to check
to see if the job is finished. job.sh
and the value in models
are additional entries to add to the job.sh file generated to
run the model. This can be used to make sure modules are loaded
on the HPC cluster before running the actual model.