24 Git and GitHub Workflow
24.1 Using Git
This document describes the steps required to download PEcAn, make changes to code, and submit your changes.
- For asking questions, reporting bugs, and requesting features, see our documentation for reporting issues on Redmine and GitHub
- If you are new to GitHub or to PEcAn, start with the one-time set-up instructions under Before any work is done. Also see the excellent tutorials and references in the References section at the the bottom of this page.
- To make trivial changes, see Quick and Easy
- To make changes to the code, start with the basic workflow.
- If you want to submit changes that you’ve made to be part of PEcAn you’ll want to follow Committing Changes Using Pull Requests
- To update your local branch
cd pecan git pull upstream master ./scripts/build.sh
24.1.1 Git
Git is a version control software; GitHub is a project-hosting website that is similar to Redmine but easier to use for open and collaborative development.
Git is a free & open source, distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Every Git clone is a full-fledged repository with complete history and full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. Branching and merging are fast and easy to do.
A good place to start is the GitHub 5 minute illustrated tutorial. In addition, there are three fun tutorials for learning git:
- Learn Git is a great web-based interactive tutorial.
- LearnGitBranching
- TryGit.
For additional tutorials and background see References
URLs In the rest of the document will use specific URL’s to clone the code. There a few URL’s you can use to clone a project, using https, ssh and git. You can use either https or git to clone a repository and write to it. The git protocol is read-only. PEcAnProject on GitHub: https://github.com/organizations/PecanProject
- PEcAn source code:
- https://github.com/PecanProject/pecan.git
- git@github.com:PecanProject/pecan.git
- BETYdb source code:
- https://github.com/PecanProject/bety.git
- git@github.com:PecanProject/bety.git
- These instructions apply to other repositories too. Milestones, Issues, Tasks
The Milestones, issues, and tasks can be used to organize specific features or research projects. In general, there is a heirarchy:
- milestones (Big picture, “Epic”): contains many issues
- issues (Specific features / bugs, “Story”): may contain a list of tasks; represent
- task list (to do list, “Tasks”): list of steps required to close an issue, e.g.: ```
- [ ] first do this
- [ ] then this
- [ ] completed when x and y ``` Quick and Easy
The easiest approach is to use GitHub’s browser based workflow. This is useful when your change is a few lines, if you are editing a wiki, or if the edit is trivial (and won’t break the code). The GitHub documentation is here but it is simple: finding the page or file you want to edit, click “edit” and then the GitHub web application will automatically forking and branch, then allow you to submit a pull request. However, it should be noted that unless you are a member of the PEcAn project that the “edit” button will not be active and you’ll want to follow the workflow described below for forking and then submitting a pull request.
24.1.2 Recommended Git Workflow
Each feature should be in it’s own branch (for example each redmine issue is a branch, names of branches are often the issue in a bug tracking system).
Commit and Push Frequency On your branch, commit at minimum once a day before you push changes: even better: every time you reach a stopping point and move to a new issue. best: any time that you have done work that you do not want to re-do. Remember, pushing changes to your branch is like saving a draft. Submit a pull request when you are done. Before any work is done:
The first step below only needs to be done once when you first start working on the PEcAn code. The steps below that need to be done to set up PEcAn on your computer, and would need to be repeated if you move to a new computer. If you are working from the PEcAn VM, you can skip the “git clone” since the PEcAn code is already installed.
Most people will not be able to work in the PEcAn repository directly and will need to create a fork of the PEcAn source code in their own folder. To fork PEcAn into your own github space (github help: “fork a repo”). This forked repository will allow you to create branches and commit changes back to GitHub and create pull requests to the master of PEcAn.
The forked repository is the only way for external people to commit code back to PEcAn and BETY. The pull request will start a review process that will eventually result in the code being merged into the main copy of the codebase. See https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo for more information, especially on how to keep your fork up to date with respect to the original. (Rstudio users should also see Git + Rstudio, below)
You can setup SSH keys to make it easier to commit cod back to GitHub. This might especially be true if you are working from a cluster, see set up ssh keys
Introduce yourself to GIT
git config --global user.name "FULLNAME" git config --global user.email you@yourdomain.example.com
Fork PEcAn on GitHub. Goto the PEcAn source code and click on the Fork button in the upper right. This will create a copy of PEcAn in your personal space.
Clone to your local machine
git clone git@github.com:<username>/pecan.git
Define upstream repository
cd pecan git remote add upstream git@github.com:PecanProject/pecan.git
24.1.3 During development:
- commit often;
- each commit can address 0 or 1 issue; many commits can reference an issue (see [[Link commits to issue|Using-Git#link-commits-to-issues]])
- ensure that all tests are passing before anything is pushed into master. Basic Workflow
Get the latest code from the main repository
git pull upstream master
Do some coding
Commit after each chunk of code (multiple times a day)
git commit -m "<some descriptive information about what was done; references/fixes gh-X>"
Push to YOUR Github (when a feature is working, a set of bugs are fixed, or you need to share progress with others)
git push origin <branchname>
Before submitting code back to the main repository, make sure that code compiles
./scripts/build.sh -c
- submit pull request with a reference to related issue (see [[Link commits to issue|Using-Git#link-commits-to-issues]]);
- also see github documentation Advanced Workflow: A new branch for each change
Make sure you start in master
git checkout master
Make sure master is up to date
git pull upstream master
Run any tests / make sure that code compiles
For PEcAn: Build most recent versions of R packages (
./scripts/build.sh -h
for help))./scripts/build.sh
For BETYdb (see BETY wiki)
Create a branch and switch to it
git checkout -b <branchname>
git commit -m "<some descriptive information about what was done>"
Run any tests / make sure that code compiles
For PEcAn: ./scripts/build.sh -c
Push this branch to your github space
git push origin <branchname>
- submit pull request with [[link commits to issues|Using-Git#link-commits-to-issuess]]; After pull request is merged
Make sure you start in master
git checkout master
delete branch remotely
git push origin --delete <branchname>
delete branch locally
git branch -D <branchname> Link commits to issues
You can reference and close issues from comments, pull requests, and commit messages. This should be done when you commit code that is related to or will close/fix an existing issue.
There are two ways to do this. One easy way is to include the following text in your commit message:
- Github
- to close: “closes gh-xxx” (or syn. close, closed, fixes, fix, fixed)
- to reference: just the issue number (e.g. “gh-xxx”)
- avoid “closes #xxx” which will cross-reference Redmine issues
- Redmine:
- to close: “fixes redmine #xxx” (or closes etc.)
- to reference: “redmine #xxx”
- Bitbucket:
- to close: reference and use web interface!
- to reference: “re #xxx”
Another way is to just add the url to the issue that you are updating. For example, if you are resolving an issue in Redmine, you can simply write the text “resolved by pull request https://github.com/PecanProject/pecan/pull/1” in the comments.
24.1.4 For PEcAn
./scripts/build.sh -c Committing Changes Using Pull Requests
GitHub provides a useful overview of how to submit changes to a project, Using Pull Requests.
Once you have added a feature on your local fork of the project that you would like to contribute, these are the steps:
- Submit a Pull Request
- Pull request is reviewed by a member of the PEcAn core group
- Any comments should be addressed
- Additional commits are added to the pull request
- When ready, changes are merged Other Useful Git Commands:
- GIT encourages branching “early and often”
- First pull from master
- Branch before working on feature
- One branch per feature
- You can switch easily between branches
Merge feature into main line when branch done
git branch <name of branch> git checkout <name of branch> repeat write some code commit until done git checkout master git merge <name of brach> git push
If during above process you want to work on something else, commit all your code, create a new branch, and work on new branch.
- Delete a branch:
git branch -d <name of branch>
- To push a branch git:
push -u origin
` To check out a branch:
git fetch origin git checkout --track origin/<name of branch>
Get the remote repository locally:
git clone URL
To update local repository to latest:
git pull
To add new files to the local repository:
git add <file>
To commit changes
git commit <file|folder>
To update remote repository:
git push
Show graph of commits:
git log --graph --oneline --all
24.1.5 Git + Rstudio
Rstudio is nicely integrated with many development tools, including git and GitHub. It is quite easy to check out source code from within the Rstudio program or browser. The Rstudio documentation includes useful overviews of version control and R package development.
Once you have git installed on your computer (see the Rstudio version control documentation for instructions), you can use the following steps to install the PEcAn source code in Rstudio. Creating a Read-only version:
This is a fast way to clone the repository that does not support contributing new changes (this can be done with further modification).
- install Rstudio (www.rstudio.com)
- click (upper right) project
- create project
- version control
- Git - clone a project from a Git Repository
- paste https://www.github.com/PecanProject/pecan
- choose working dir. for repo
24.1.6 For development:
- create account on github
- create a fork of the PEcAn repository to your own account https://www.github.com/pecanproject/pecan
- install Rstudio (www.rstudio.com)
- generate an ssh key
- in Rstudio:
Tools -> Options -> Git/SVN -> "create RSA key"
View public key -> ctrl+C to copy
- in GitHub
- go to ssh settings
-> 'add ssh key' -> ctrl+V to paste -> 'add key'
- Create project in Rstudio
project (upper right) -> create project -> version control -> Git - clone a project from a Git Repository
- paste repository url
- choose working dir. for repository
24.2 References: Git Documentation
- Scott Chacon, ‘Pro Git book’, http://git-scm.com/book
- GitHub help pages, https://help.github.com/
- Main GIT page, http://git-scm.com/documentation
- Information about branches, http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
- Another set of pages about branching, http://sandofsky.com/blog/git-workflow.html
- Stackoverflow highest voted questions tagged “git” GitHub Documentation
When in doubt, the first step is to click the “Help” button at the top of the page.
- GitHub Flow by Scott Chacon (Git evangelist and Ruby developer working on GitHub.com)
- GitHub FAQ
- Using Pull Requests
- SSH Keys
24.3 GitHub use with PEcAn
In this section, development topics are introduced and discussed. PEcAn code lives within the If you are looking for an issue to work on, take a look through issues labled “good first issue”. To get started you will want to review
We use GitHub to track development.
To learn about GitHub, it is worth taking some time to read through the FAQ. When in doubt, the first step is to click the “Help” button at the top of the page.
- To address specific people, use a github feature called @mentions e.g. write @dlebauer, @robkooper, @mdietze, or @serbinsh … in the issue to alert the user as described in the GitHub documentation on notifications
24.3.1 Bugs, Issues, Features, etc. Reporting a bug
- (For developers) work through debugging.
- Once you have identified a problem, that you can not resolve, you can write a bug report
- Write a bug report
- submit the bug report
- If you do find the answer, explain the resolution (in the issue) and close the issue Required content
- a bug is only a bug if it is reproducible
- clear bug reports save time
- Clear, specific title
- Description -
- What you did
- What you expected to happen
- What actually happened
- What does work, under what conditions does it fail?
- Reproduction steps - minimum steps required to reproduce the bug
- additional materials that could help identify the cause:
- screen shots
- stack traces, logs, scripts, output
- specific code and data / settings / configuration files required to reproduce the bug
- environment (operating system, browser, hardware)
24.3.2 Requesting a feature
(from The Pragmatic Programmer, available as ebook through UI libraries, hardcopy on David’s bookshelf)
* focus on “user stories”, e.g. specific use cases * Be as specific as possible,
- Here is an example:
- Bob is at www.mysite.edu/maps
- map of the the region (based on user location, e.g. US, Asia, etc)
- option to “use current location” is provided, if clicked, map zooms in to, e.g. state or county level
- for site run:
- option to select existing site or specify point by lat/lon
- option to specify a bounding box and grid resolution in either lat/lon or polar stereographic.
- asked to specify start and end times in terms of year, month, day, hour, minute. Time is recorded in UTC not local time, this should be indicated
- for site run:
24.3.3 Closing an issue
- Definition of “Done”
- test
- documentation
- when issue is resolved:
- status is changed to “resolved”
- assignee is changed to original author
- if original author agrees that issue has been resolved
- original author changes status to “closed”
- except for trivial issues, issues are only closed by the author
24.3.4 When to submit an issue? Ideally, non-trivial code changes will be linked to an issue and a commit.
This requires creating issues for each task, making small commits, and referencing the issue within your commit message. Issues can be created on GitHub. These issues can be linked to commits by adding text such as fixes gh-5
(see [[Using Git During Development|Using-Git#during-development]]).
Rationale: This workflow is a small upfront investment that reduces error and time spent re-creating and debugging errors. Associating issues and commits, makes it easier to identify why a change was made, and potential bugs that could arise when the code is changed. In addition, knowing which issue you are working on clarifies the scope and objectives of your current task.