Read a ED_MET_DRIVER_HEADER file into a list-like object that can be manipulated within R. Returns a list of file formats.

read_ed_metheader(filename, check = TRUE, check_files = TRUE)



File name (including path) of met driver header file, as character


Logical, whether or not to check file for correctness (default = TRUE)


Logical. If TRUE, perform basic diagnostics on met files as well.


List of ED met input parameters. See Details.


The output is an unnamed list with each element corresponding to a single file format. Each file format contains the following elements:

  • path_prefix -- Path and prefix of files

  • nlon -- Number of longitude grid cells

  • nlat -- Number of latitude grid cells

  • dx -- Size of longitude grid cell

  • dy -- Size of latitude grid cell

  • xmin -- Minimum longitude

  • ymin -- Minimum latitude

  • variables -- Data frame of variables, with the columns described below. Starred columns are required for writing. This table is left joined with met_variable_description and met_flag_description.

    • variable -- Variable name

    • description -- Variable description

    • unit -- Variable unit

    • update_frequency -- Update frequency (seconds) or scalar values if flag=4

    • flag -- Variable flags.

    • flag_description -- Description of variable flag

The formatting of a meteorlogy header file is as follows (from the ED GitHub Wiki):

<number of file formats>    # Repeat lines below this number of times
<path and prefix of files>
<nlon>, <nlat>, <dx>, <dy>, <xmin>, <ymin>
<number of variables>
<list of variable names>
<list of update frequencies (seconds) or scalar values if flag=4>
<list of variable flags>

The variables in the third row are defined as follows: