POST /api/workflows/
API endpoint.submit.workflow.Rd
Submit a PEcAn workflow using various user-defined parameters
Hits the POST /api/workflows/
API endpoint.
Server object obtained using the connect() function
ID of the model to be used (character)
ID of the site to be used (character)
List of PFTs to be used (list)
Starting date of the analysis (character)
Ending date of the analysis (character)
Inputs to the workflow (including meteorological data, etc.) (object)
Meta-analysis settings object for the workflow. Default: NULL (uses default parameters)
Ensemble size for the workflow. Default: 1
Variable for performing sensitivity. Default: NPP
Whether or not to perform a sensitivity analysis. Can also take a sensitivity setting object as input. Default: FALSE (logical or list)
Additional notes that the user need to specify for the submitted workflow. Default: NULL
List of additional changes to be applied to the
workflow list. Passed to utils::modifyList()
. Default = list() (no changes)
Response obtained from the POST /api/workflows/
server <- connect(url="http://pecan.localhost:80", username="carya", password="illinois")
# Submit a workflow with the SIPNET r136 model (id = 1000000014) for Niwot Ridge site (id = 772) with
# PFT as 'temperate.coniferous' starting from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2003 using the input met data with
# id = 99000000003
res <- submit.workflow(server, model_id=1000000014, site_id=772, pfts=c("temperate.coniferous"), start_date="2002-01-01",
end_date="2003-12-31", inputs=list(met=list(id=99000000003)))
#> Error in loadNamespace(x): there is no package called ‘XML’