Demo 01: Basic Run PEcAn


We will begin by exploring a set of web-based tools that are designed to run single-site model runs. A lot of the detail about what’s going on under the hood, and all the outputs that PEcAn produces, are left to Demo 2. This demo will also demonstrate how to use PEcAn outputs in additional analyses outside of PEcAn.


In the following demo, URL is the web address of a PEcAn server and will refer to one of the following:

  • If you are doing a live demo with the PEcAn team, URL was provided
  • If you are running the PEcAn virtual machine: URL = localhost:6480
  • If you are running PEcAn using Amazon Web Services (AWS), URL is the Public IP
  • If you are running PEcAn using Docker, URL is localhost:8000/pecan/ (trailing backslash is important!)
  • If you followed instructions found in [Install PEcAn by hand], URL is your server’s IP

Start PEcAn:

  1. Enter URL in your web browser
  2. Click “Run Models”
  3. Click the ‘Next’ button to move to the “Site Selection” page.