Get parameter values used in ensemble

get.ensemble.samples(ensemble.size, pft.samples, env.samples,
  method = "uniform", param.names = NULL, ...)



number of runs in model ensemble


random samples from parameter distribution, e.g. from a MCMC chain


env samples


the method used to generate the ensemble samples. Random generators: uniform, uniform with latin hypercube permutation. Quasi-random generators: halton, sobol, torus. Random generation draws random variates whereas quasi-random generation is deterministic but well equidistributed. Default is uniform. For small ensemble size with relatively large parameter number (e.g ensemble size < 5 and # of traits > 5) use methods other than halton.


a list of parameter names that were fitted either by MA or PDA, important argument, if NULL parameters will be resampled independently


Other arguments passed on to the sampling method


matrix of (quasi-)random samples from trait distributions


Returns a matrix of randomly or quasi-randomly sampled trait values to be assigned to traits over several model runs. given the number of model runs and a list of sample distributions for traits The model run is indexed first by model run, then by trait