Generates run scripts and configuration files for all analyses specified in the provided settings. Most of the heavy lifting is done by the write.config.* function for your specific ecosystem model (e.g. write.config.ED2, write.config.SIPNET).

run.write.configs(settings, write = TRUE,
  ens.sample.method = "uniform", posterior.files = rep(NA,
  length(settings$pfts)), overwrite = TRUE)



a PEcAn settings list


should the runs be written to the database?


how to sample the ensemble members('halton' sequence or 'uniform' random)


Filenames for posteriors for drawing samples for ensemble and sensitivity analysis (e.g. post.distns.Rdata, or prior.distns.Rdata)


logical: Replace output files that already exist?


an updated settings list, which includes ensemble IDs for SA and ensemble analysis


The default value for posterior.files is NA, in which case the most recent posterior or prior (in that order) for the workflow is used. When specified, posterior.files should be a vector of filenames with one entry for each PFT. Specify filenames with no path; PFT outdirs will be appended. This forces use of only files within this workflow, to avoid confusion.