Reads the output of a single model run

read.output(runid, outdir, start.year = NA, end.year = NA,
  variables = "GPP", dataframe = FALSE, = NULL)



the id distiguishing the model run.


the directory that the model's output was sent to

start.year, end.year

first and last year of output to read. Specify as a date-time (only the year portion is used) or as a four-digit number or string. If NA, reads all years found in outdir.


variables to be read from model output


Logical: if TRUE, will return output in a data.frame format with a posix column. Useful for and plotting.

character string, name of the pft to read pft-specific output. If NULL no pft-specific output will be read even the variable has pft as a dimension.


If dataframe=FALSE, a vector of output variables. If dataframe=TRUE, a data.frame of output variables with POSIXct timestamps added.


Generic function to convert model output from model-specific format to a common PEcAn format. This function uses MsTMIP variables except that units of (kg m-2 d-1) are converted to kg ha-1 y-1. Currently this function converts Carbon fluxes: GPP, NPP, NEE, TotalResp, AutoResp, HeteroResp, DOC_flux, Fire_flux, and Stem (Stem is specific to the BioCro model) and Water fluxes: Evaporation (Evap), Transpiration(TVeg), surface runoff (Qs), subsurface runoff (Qsb), and rainfall (Rainf). For more details, see the MsTMIP variables documentation