Get parameter values used in ensemble

get.ensemble.samples(ensemble.size, pft.samples, env.samples,
  method = "uniform", param.names = NULL, ...)



number of runs in model ensemble


random samples from parameter distribution, e.g. from a MCMC chain


env samples


the method used to generate the ensemble samples. Random generators: uniform, uniform with latin hypercube permutation. Quasi-random generators: halton, sobol, torus. Random generation draws random variates whereas quasi-random generation is deterministic but well equidistributed. Default is uniform. For small ensemble size with relatively large parameter number (e.g ensemble size < 5 and # of traits > 5) use methods other than halton.


a list of parameter names that were fitted either by MA or PDA, important argument, if NULL parameters will be resampled independently


matrix of (quasi-)random samples from trait distributions


DEPRECATED: This function has been moved to the PEcAn.uncertainty package. The version in PEcAn.utils is deprecated, will not be updated to add any new features, and will be removed in a future release of PEcAn. Please use PEcAn.uncertainty::get.ensemble.samples instead. Returns a matrix of randomly or quasi-randomly sampled trait values to be assigned to traits over several model runs. given the number of model runs and a list of sample distributions for traits The model run is indexed first by model run, then by trait