Adding a new model to PEcAn in a few easy steps:

  1. add modeltype to BETY
  2. add a model and PFT to BETY for use with modeltype
  3. implement 3 functions as described below
  4. Add tests to tests/testthat
  5. Update README, documentation
  6. execute pecan with new model

Three Functions

There are 3 functions that will need to be implemented, each of these functions will need to have MODEL be replaced with the actual modeltype as it is defined in the BETY database.

  • write.config.MODEL.R

This will write the configuratin file as well as the job launcher used by PEcAn. There is an example of the job execution script in the template folder. The configuration file can also be a template that is found based on the revision number of the model. This should use the computed results specified in defaults and trait.values to write a configuration file based on the PFT and traits found.

  • met2model.MODEL.R

This will convert the standard Met CF file to the model specific file format. This will allow PEcAn to create metereological files for the specific site and model. This will only be called if no meterological data is found for that specific site and model combination.

  • model2netcdf.MODEL.R

This will convert the model specific output to NACP Intercomparison format. After this function is finished PEcAn will use the generated output and not use the model specific outputs. The outputs should be named

Additional Changes


This file should contain basic background information about the model. At a minimum, this should include the scientific motivation and scope, name(s) of maintainer(s), links to project homepage, and a list of a few key publications. relevant publications.

  • /tests/testthat/

Each package should have tests that cover the key functions of the package, at a minimum, the three functions above.

  • documentation

Update the NAMESPACE, DESCRIPTION and man/*.Rd files by running
