vwReg(formula, data, title = "", B = 1000, shade = TRUE,
  shade.alpha = 0.1, spag = FALSE, spag.color = "darkblue",
  mweight = TRUE, show.lm = FALSE, show.median = TRUE,
  median.col = "white", shape = 21, show.CI = FALSE,
  method = loess, bw = FALSE, slices = 200,
  palette = colorRampPalette(c("#FFEDA0", "#DD0000"), bias = 2)(20),
  ylim = NULL, quantize = "continuous", add = FALSE, ...)



= number bootstrapped smoothers


= TRUE: define a default b&w-palette


plot the shaded confidence region?


should the CI shading fade out at the edges? (by reducing alpha; 0 = no alpha decrease, 0.1 = medium alpha decrease, 0.5 = strong alpha decrease)


plot spaghetti lines?


color of spaghetti lines


should the median smoother be visually weighted?


should the linear regresison line be plotted?


should the 95

show.median:should the median smoother be plotted?

median.col:color of the median smoother

shape:shape of points

method:the fitting function for the spaghettis; default: loess

slices:number of slices in x and y direction for the shaded region. Higher numbers make a smoother plot, but takes longer to draw. I wouldn'T go beyond 500

palette:provide a custom color palette for the watercolors

ylim:restrict range of the watercoloring

quantize:either 'continuous', or 'SD'. In the latter case, we get three color regions for 1, 2, and 3 SD (an idea of John Mashey)

add:if add == FALSE, a new ggplot is returned. If add == TRUE, only the elements are returned, which can be added to an existing ggplot (with the '+' operator)

...:further parameters passed to the fitting function, in the case of loess, for example, 'span = .9', or 'family = 'symmetric''